eix-sync(Watch out for Python upgrades, do those first!)
emerge -uDNav --with-bdeps y --backtrack 200 @world
(Watch out for GCC upgrades!)
(Watch out for Kernel upgrades)
(Repeat the last two commands until they both finish with nothing to do. Maybe also emerge @preserved-rebuild)
(if obsolete packages are found remove or, upgrade them and run revdep-rebuild and dispatch-conf again)
If pearl was updated run: pearl-cleaner --all
(Perl upgrades can be messy, apparently..)
Check to see if GCC needs to be set to a new version before removing the old one:
gcc-config -l
gcc-config #
env-update && source /etc/profile
emerge --ask --oneshot sys-devel/libtool
emerge -av --depclean --exclude gentoo-sources (*** be careful with this one ***
It's suggestions on what to remove are sometimes dumb.)
eclean distfiles
emaint --check world
emaint --fix world
Check to see if you need to upgrade your kernel; once that's done then you can emerge -C any old ones your not keeping.
layman-updater -R
layman -S
I plan to edit this again someday (6/21/2017), but this is a nice update from the last one. :-)